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Here’s All You Need To Know Before Getting Your Tattoo Removed


Everything You Need to Know About Getting Rid of Your Ink 

Laser tattoo removal is the safest and most effective way to get rid of unwanted body art, but chances are you still have lots of questions. 

If you’re just starting to consider laser tattoo removal, then you probably have a lot of questions – from the process to the amount of time it takes. We’re here to answer all your questions, as well as tell you where to get the best tattoo removal treatment. 

Is it straightforward? 

Tattoo removal is so straightforward when it is carried out by a trained professional. Tattoo Removal Experts are the leading providers of laser tattoo removal in London, and under their care, you will receive a course of treatment that is tailored to your exact needs. You’ll be made as comfortable as possible during each session, and your tattoo removal specialist will be on hand to talk you through the process and answer any of your questions. 

How long will it take?

The most important thing to remember is that there is no set amount of sessions in which a tattoo can be removed. There are so many factors that determine now long a tattoo will take to remove, including the size of the tattoo, the kind of ink that is used, and the individual’s skin type – and those can all vary massively on a person-to-person basis. So don’t trust a tattoo removal company who says they can remove yours in a certain amount of time – and keep an open mind. 

Does it hurt?

A lot of people worry that they won’t be able to keep up with tattoo removal appointments because it is too painful. So, what’s the truth? Well, if you can deal with the pain of a tattoo, you will be fine. A lot of people say that laser tattoo removal feels like an elastic band being pinged against the skin, and say the process is uncomfortable rather than painful. The sessions are no longer than 30 minutes either – whereas you could be in the chair for hours having a tattoo. 

Are there alternatives?

If you’re going to take one piece of advice, then make sure that you aren’t tempted by alternative treatments. There are many another tattoo removal ‘treatments’ out there, including bleaching creams and dermabrasion. While these are good in theory, in practice they just can’t penetrate the skin deeply enough to remove tattoo ink. So you will end up spending a lot of money with very little to show for it. 

Will there be side effects?

When you have laser tattoo removal, good aftercare is vital. Your skin may blister, peel and scab after laser tattoo removal. There’s no need to worry about this, as it is just your skin’s response to the powerful laser. It’s important that you don’t pick at or damage the skin though, as this can lead to scarring and infections, which will delay your other tattoo removal sessions. So listen to the advice that you’re given, and consult the NHS website if in any doubt. 

It’s up to you now! 

We’ve given you all the information that we can. The only way to find out more is to get in touch with Tattoo Removal Experts. They’ll be able to give you all the advice that you need, whether you’re curious about pricing, what to expect from a session or any potential side effects. So why not pick up the phone today?

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